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Verify Map Download Completed

Map downloads require the app to remain in the foreground. For this reason, we suggest plugging your device in and leaving the download to run overnight for larger map selections.

If Auto-resume is turned off in the Gaia GPS settings and a download gets interrupted for any reason (like navigating away from the app), you'll see the option to "Resume Download" under "Load in Main Map" on the map details screen--this means your map download is incomplete. 

Testing downloaded maps that do not offer an option to Resume Download:
  1. Disable Wifi on your device
  2. Activate airplane mode on your device to disable cell access (GPS still works in Airplane mode after iOS 8.4)
  3. Tap "Clear Cache" in the STORAGE section of the Gaia GPS Settings menu
  4. Return to Saved Map details screen and "Load in Main Map"
As long as you've cleared the temporary cache, downloaded tiles show clearly, and the others blank or blurry.
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