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OpenStreetMap data and Gaia GPS

A variety of map sources based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) are available in Gaia GPS.

Some examples of OSM-based map sources:

  • OpenStreetMap (View-only)
  • Gaia Vector Topo
  • OpenCycleMap
  • OpenHikingMap
  • OpenLandScape Map
  • MapBox Streets

Route creation on gaiagps.com depends on OSM data .

Updates to OSM

Update the OpenStreetMap (OSM) by following the instructions in this blog . You can even use your Gaia GPS data to update OSM data .

-Other than the OpenStreetMap source, which isn't available for download, the other OSM-based map sources update at different rates.

This ranges between a couple days and a couple weeks.

-Maps that have been downloaded are not subject to updates.

To update map tiles that have already been downloaded, they need to be deleted and re-downloaded .

-Gaia GPS automatically caches all tiles it sees

Because the app caches recently viewed tiles, OSM tiles remaining in the temporary cache won't be pulled from the server, so they won't necessarily reflect the latest updates.

Updating Maps in Gaia GPS

If you have OSM-based map sources downloaded, you can:

  1. Delete the maps individually, clear the temporary cache in the app, and re-download the maps.
  2. Or, if you have a lot of OSM-based map source downloads, you can backup your data on gaiagps.com , then delete the app and re-install and sync (the maps will re-download based on the currently available OSM data for that particular source).

Remember, if you are syncing map downloads back from gaiagps.com, completing the download may require resuming it according to these directions .

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