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iOS Beta Testers

Beta testing Gaia GPS helps improve each release—we get automated crash logs from beta copies of the app, and you can test specific bug fixes and give feedback, too.

Steps to Beta Test

After we add you, you’ll receive an email invite to install the next beta when it becomes available to test.

Installing the Beta

The beta installs in place of the App Store version, and your data will carry over.

Back up your data for free on gaiagps.com, and if you'd like to re-install the App Store version for any reason, you can easily sync the data back to your device.

Reporting Issues

Email support@gaiagps.com with bug reports

The most useful reports include:

  • A brief description on how to reproduce the issue (step-by-step)
  • Type of iOS device + iOS version (Ex: iPhone 6s, running iOS 9.3.1)

If logs or account information becomes necessary, we'll refer you to support@gaiagps.com to troubleshoot further.

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